Homeless Help Centers

I-HELP for Men (Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program.) Meets daily at 4-4:30pm across from the Naval Post Graduate School entrance on Del Monte Ave. Provides overnight lodging and meals at various church locations. Returns to same location 7am.

I-HELP for Women meets daily at 4-4:30pm at the fountain by Lake El Estero. Provides overnight lodging and meals at various church locations. 831 393-5154. Returns to same location 7am.

Gathering for Women 147 El Dorado Street, Monterey, 8am-4pm. Service Center for homeless women only. Provides daily breakfast and lunch. Showers, and clothing. Fridays 8am-2pm. Social Workers available for resources. 831 241-6154

Safe Place 590 Pearl Street, Monterey. For homeless youth up to 25yrs. Breakfast Tues, Fri 9:30-11am; Dinner at Monterey Youth Center Thurs 5:30-6:30p 831 373-4421

One Starfish Safe Parking (for women only, living in their vehicles) Daily night parking 7pm-7am only, in various parking lots. Contact 831 275-5167 for interview.

County Safe Parking Program, Orphan Productions- Daily night parking on county property for homeless living in their vehicles. 7pm-7am only. Contact Dorian 831 204-0230 for interview. 

Salvation Army, Good Sam Center, 800 Scott Street, Sand City: Pastry and coffee 8:30am-12pm each morning. Hot meals 10:30am-12pm. 2pm-4pm provides meals and showers, and laundry Mobile lunch at NPS parking lot 11am M-Thurs. 831-394-2774

 Veterans Transition Center- 220 12th Marina 831-883-8387

 Coalition of Homeless Services Providers -220 12th Marina 831-883-3080

Food Pantry - Weekly Free Meal Locations 

San Carlos Church  

Church & Cortes Street


Sunday 1pm-3pm


Shoreline Community

25 Garden Road


Tues. and Thurs. 12:30pm-2:30pm

Provides food & clothing.



St. Mary’s by the Sea Episcopal Church

146 12th Street

Pacific Grove

Mon., Wed., Fri. 1pm-2:45pm

Provides food bags. 831-373-4441


Weekly Free Meal Locations & Times

M, T, W, Th at 11:15am 

NPS Parking lot off Del Monte


Fri. 10am

Monterey Beach (next to kayak place)

Sat. 9am               

El Estero BBQ picnic area or

cemetery parking lot


Sat. 1pm

NPS  parking lot off Del Monte            

Sun. 8:30am

Monterey Beach (next to kayak place) 

Sun 12/noon

NPS parking lot off Del Monte

Lotsa Helping Hands

Lotsa Helping Hands is the communication link for the Helps Community to provide meals and help to others in times of need. Please click here to be taken to a website to be added.


Pass The Word Ministry

PTW is a volunteer-driven ministry serving the homeless and hungry of the Monterey Peninsula. The ministry provides food, clothing, toiletries, showers, Bibles, and personal hygiene products, etc. every Saturday morning at 9AM at El Estero Park in Monterey....rain or shine. Visit this link for more information: https://www.passthewordministry.org.